Neckarau Crossing in Mannheim
Steel truss bridge
Steel truss bridge over the railway, Mannheim
MVV Verkehr AG
68159 Mannheim, Germany
Project description
For reasons of monument preservation, the new arched construction is prescribed above the existing crescent-shaped trussed arches. The new steel composite deck is suspended from the new arches with completely enclosed cables. The orthotropic walkway area is bordered by the repaired, monument-preserved existing railings.
Technical specifications
Arched bridge in composite construction
Bridge length 94.00 m
Bridge width 14.50 m
Steel S355 J2G3 1,740 t
Bridge class SLW 60/30 + two-track tramway
Temporary bridge
Bridge length 78.00 m
Steel S355 J2G3 500 t
DE Consult Deutsche Eisenbahn-Consulting GmbH
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
General contractor
Bilfinger Berger AG NL Ingenieurbau Inland
65189 Wiesbaden, Germany
Donges manufactures, delivers and assembles the complete steel structure including corrosion protection.
Construction period
Construction period 2008/2009