New SKY Line railway completes first test run
The construction work on the PTS station at Terminal 1 at Frankfurt Airport is nearing completion, meaning that the Sky Line railway, which connects Terminal 3 to Terminals 1 and 2, was able to complete its test run for the first time. The first passenger last Monday was Father Christmas.
The trains are a driverless passenger transport system that will carry more than 4,000 passengers per hour and direction. The journey time from the long-distance and regional railway station to Terminal 3 is just under eight minutes – 365 days a year.
Thanks to the two-minute frequency and a top speed of 80 km/h, even tight transfer times to connecting flights of 45 minutes will be achievable.
Donges SteelTec was commissioned with the manufacture, delivery and assembly of the complex steel structure of the PTS station. The production and assembly of the conical round supports and the cast nodes posed a particular challenge.